
Generate a report of your last brand deal for FREE with Sulico

In just a few clics, you can generate an analytical report of your last content in PDF ready to send to any brands !

Here is the exact steps you need to follow to generate your analytical report for your last brand deal : 

1. Select "Analytical report" to create a rapport of your last campaign

Select "Analytical report" to create a rapport of your last campaign

2. Choose the title of your report

Choose the title of your report

3. Select the name of the brand (or add it)

Select the name of the brand (or add it)

4. Choose the type of deliverable

Choose the type of deliverable

5. Write the description of your content

Write the description of your content

6. Copy-Paste the link of your content

Copy-Paste the link of your content

7. Add additional notes if needed

Add additional notes if needed

8. Click on Generate report !

Click on Generate report !

Then, you will have your media kit in PDF available in your downloads !

What does it look like ?

You can see a example of media kit just here

If you have any question or need help, you can book a meeting here

Sulico is the tool to help you gain more brand deals ;)

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